Weekend morning run this Saturday was kind of special, so I'll leave a note here even nobody but me will look at it twice ;-)
It was a slow and long run (45 km, which took me almost 5 hours) that began a half hour before the sunrise and was finished with sun shining and temperatures well above 20 degrees (celsium).

The plan was to have a relaxed run with some noticable elevation gain, but I've changed a route a bit to visit a nice looking trail I have not tried. It was well worth the trouble: a couple of
doe was crossing the trail, probably going to the creek close by and I had pleasure to watch them disappearing into the forest. I've slowed down (as if I were fast before :-)...) and studied the place they disappeared at...

Just a few minutes after, I was surprised by a different couple: this time they were
short-toed eagles! they were really close to me, not more than 5 meters and I had a chance to have a good look at them... I saw more of their kind later and also the reason they were out: hunting snakes. The snake I met (well, it just crossed the train and I jumped over it, even without saying hello) was not a small one and luckily it was not interested in me.
I had a few more encounters which are more or less common in our area: cows, bulls and calfs running from me; red fox; and a lot of white storks... oh, yes and after 8 oclock there were cyclists and hikers...
On my way home it was getting hotter and I was out of water with 4 km to go, so I stopped by the stream (a beautiful part of Nahal Shofet near Ein HaEmek) and cooled my feet in the water...
Thus I have got home tired and happy after 5 hours out ...
The link to the route can be found on
MotionBased site.